25 Feb 2019

When you buy or acquire an illegal wildlife product or souvenir, you may actually be buying trouble for yourself.

Hunting of a protected wildlife species or possession of and trade in them or their derivatives is illegal and severely punishable under the law.  Wildlife products made from endangered species brought outside India would also require permits for their import to India. Your souvenirs could be confiscated on your arrival and you could face strict legal action.

 When in doubtDon’t Buy.

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

You are likely to come across some of these:-

Marine Products:- Reef building Corals, Organ-pipe Corals, Black Corals and Sea Fans are some of the highly endangered marine species offered on sale in our coastal regions and islands. Many endangered species of molluscs such as Nautilus,  Horse’s Hoof and Horned Helmet may also be offered.


Ivory Items:- Ivory figurines, carvings and jewellery may be offered for sale at tourist spots. Trade in ALL forms of Ivory including from African Elephants is prohibited.

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Live Birds:- All trade in wild Indian bird species is prohibited. Species on offer may  include parakeets, falcons, mynas, owls and munias. For every bird that reaches its final destination, perhaps several die en route.


Reptile Skins:- Trade in skins and other products of protected species of reptiles such as Marsh and Saltwater Crocodiles, Yellow Monitor Cobra and Rock Python is banned. Handbags, belts, wallets and other products made of reptile skins may cost you much more than you bargained for.


Shahtoosh Shawls:- Three to five Tibetan Antelopes (Chirus) are slaughtered to obtain the wool for one shawl. Any trade in these shawls is completely prohibited by law and invites strict punishment.


Skins, Bones, Derivatives and Products fashioned from them:- All trade in skins, bones, claws and other body parts of Leopard, Tiger, Rhino, Musk Deer, Bear and other endangered species and derivatives thereof, such as bear bile, rhino horn and musk pods is banned.


Medicinal Plants and Orchids:- International trade in 29 species of orchids, timber species and medicinal plants in the raw form such as logs, whole plants, crude drugs, oil extracts and resinoids is prohibited under the EXIM policy. Only value-added products such as medicines derived from a cultivated variety of species may be allowed for export.

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Do not buy illegal wildlife products. Also discourage your family and friends from doing so.

If you come across any information on illegal wildlife trade, you may contact the following:

Local Forest or Police Officials.

Customs at airports, seaports and other international transit points.

Officers of the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau

Traffic India


WWF India


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