14 Oct 2018

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Lions are territorial and organise themselves into groups, called prides, whose members interact peacefully with each other. The core group of a pride consists of closely related lioness and their offspring.

A group of male lions numbering between two to seven may associate with with one or more such female groups. These male groups are referred to as ‘male coalitions’.

The males patrol their territory and regularly mark the boundaries to proclaim their ownership.

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They also roar regularly, especially through the cooler hours of the day and night, to warn and ward off potential intruders.


The tenure of male coalition is limited (on an average for about three years) as younger and stronger males constantly attempt to displace older territorial lions.

This gives them access to the pride females and presents mating opportunities. Sub-adult lions and displaced older lions lead a wandering life without holding a territory.

They are referred to as nomads, while the settled ones are called ‘pride’ or ‘territorial lions’.


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