19 Oct 2018

A star broke from its moorings in the sky, a cannon ball was fired, Red hot streaking the sky it flew, River Ganga burst forth from her mountain fastness, Lord Ram’s arrow flew from his bow string, As the antlered stag jumped across the river in fright, Standing there was the lion roaring loudly, Shaking […]

17 Oct 2018

Sighting a lion in Gir would pump as much adrenaline into my system as it would be for first- time wildlifer’s. But the real joy, the real purpose of visiting Gir is to walk on the same soil and breathe the same air as nature’s living works of art.

17 Oct 2018
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright In the forest of the night- William Blake Perhaps the most feared of predators, the tiger can be quite a gentleman. He wouldn’t bother you unless you bothered him and even then, he may just do a mock charge to warn and scare you away. But if he hasn’t eaten for […]